Corporate income tax

Corporate income tax
Tax rate
Tax on profits:

TaxpayerAccounting Period Commencing
on or after
Tax base (THB)Tax rate
Companies or
Juristic partnerships
1 January 2017All taxable profit20%
SMEs (Note 1)1 January 2017 onward1 – 300K
300,001 – 3M
Over 3M
All taxable profit
SMEs granted
Tax Amnesty
1 January 20171 – 300K
300,001 – 3M
SMEs granted Tax Amnesty1 January 2018 onward1 – 300K
300,001 – 3M
Over 3M

Note 1.  For companies or juristic partnerships with paid-up capital not exceeding THB  5 million on the last day of the accounting period, and with income from sales of goods and provision of services in any accounting period of not more than THB 30 million (consecutively from the accounting period commencing on or after 1 January 2012).

Tax on gross receipts:

TaxpayerTax rate
International transportation by a foreign carrier3%
Foundation or association
Business income2%
Other income, e.g. interest, dividend, rent
(Income from membership fees and Donations is exempted)

Depreciation allowances Depreciation must be based on the historical cost of an asset Acquired, using generally accepted accounting methods, For tax purposes, the depreciation period must not be less than the prescribed period applicable to each fixed asset type (see table below).

Asset typeMinimum depreciation period
 General CompanySME1
Buildings20 years20 years with 25% upfront on the acquisition date for factory buildings
The acquisition cost of Depletable Natural Resources20 years
Leasehold rightsLease period plus any renewable periods (but 10 years if There is no lease agreement or the lease allows for renewal for an unlimited period)
Trademark, goodwill, Licenses, patents, and Copyrights, or other rightsPeriod of use (but 10 years if the period of use is unlimited)
Computer hardware and Software3 years3 years with 40% upfront on the acquisition date
Cash registers used for Issuing abbreviated tax Invoices by retail businesses or other businesses as approved by the Director-GeneralA choice of either 5 years or 5 years with 40% upfront depreciation or 1 year
Furniture, fixtures, Machinery2, equipment2, Motor vehicles and others Not mentioned above5 years 5 years, or 5 years with 40% upfront depreciation for machinery and equipment
1 SME is a company or jurist partnership with fixed assets (excluding land) of no more than THB200 million and with no more than 200 employees.
The depreciation base for motor vehicles seating up to 10 persons is capped at THB1 million. The excess is neither depreciable nor claimable as costs/expenses upon disposal for tax computation purposes. However, this does not apply to vehicles used for rental and qualified prototype cars.
2 For machinery and equipment used for technological research and development (as defined), a company or juristic partnership can claim upfront depreciation at 40% on the acquisition date. The remainder is deprecated over a period of at least 5 years.
Depreciation of an asset acquired under a hire-purchase agreement must be based on the entire amount (including the interest element) payable under the agreement. The depreciation claimed for a period plus the accumulated depreciation brought forward from the previous period cannot exceed the cumulative total of the installments paid up to the end of that period.
Limits on entertainmentFor tax computation purposes, entertainment expenses must Expenses not exceed the higher of 0.3% of gross annual revenue or 0.3% of paid-up capital. However, the maximum deductible Amount for entertainment expenses is THB 10 million. To be tax deductible, the entertainment expenses must relate directly to the company’s business, and entertainment expenses must be supported by relevant documentary evidence of payment. In addition, the costs of articles given to the entertained persons must not exceed THB 2,000 per person on each occasion
Dividend income Dividends Received from Thai Resident Company:Subject to the stated conditions: A SET-listed company can exclude all dividends received from a Thai resident company from its taxable profit. An unlisted company that owns at least a 25% equity interest in another Thai resident company can exclude all dividends received from that company from its taxable profit, provided that the latter company does not own a direct or indirect or indirect equity interest in the recipient company All other unlisted companies can exclude half (50%) of the dividends received from a Thai resident company from their taxable profits. Condition: The above exclusions are not allowed if the dividend recipient company has held the relevant shares for less than 3 months before receiving the dividend or if it disposes of Those shares within 3 months after receiving the dividend (“3 plus 3” rule).
Dividends received from Overseas companies:A company that owns at least a 25% equity interest in another overseas company can exclude dividends Received from the overseas company from its taxable profit Provided that it has held the investment for at least 6 months before receiving such dividends and that the profit out of which the dividends are distributed is subject to income tax in the overseas county at a rate of not less than 15%
Tax lossesTax losses can be carried forward to deduct against future Profits for the period of 5 years. There is no claw-back provision.
Tax filings Half-year(interim)tax filingA half-year tax return must be filed, with related tax paid, with Related tax paid, within 2 months after the end of a half-year period. No filing is required for the first and the last accounting Period, if they are shorter than 12 months If a company changes its year-end date, no interim tax return Filing is required for the first accounting period after the Change if that period is less than 6 months. For listed companies, financial institutions, and other Companies specifically approved by the Director-General, Interim tax can be based on the actual profit for the first Half-year, as substantiated by the audited or reviewed financial statements. for other companies, interim tax is submitted based on half of the estimated annual profit but no audited financial statements need to be submitted. However, the permitted range of underestimation of net profit for the interim tax is 25% of the actual profit. If the difference between the estimated profit is larger than 25% without justifiable reason, the company will be subject to a surcharge at the rate of 20% of the tax shortfall.
Annual tax filingAn annual tax return must be filed, with related tax paid, with the Revenue Office within 150 days after the company’s fiscal year-end date. The audited financial statement must accompany the tax return.